Learning from the Woods… A Permaculture weekend at Hazel Hill Wood in Photos
On our yearly London-based Permaculture Design Course we’ve made it a tradition to spend one weekend away from the city. We had photographer Amy Behrens Clark join us to document some of our journey and asked a few of the participants about their experience learning about Permaculture.
First round of Lambeth Grassroutes cycle tour
For some time now, Social Landscapes has been developing the idea of a bike tour to raise awareness of these projects, tell the stories of the people behind them and get people thinking differently about city living.
Coming Home - Rediscovering Time & Place
When did it happen that time became a forward line? When did the idea of an inevitability of progress settle in the psyche of the western mind? When did we as human beings set ourselves apart, thinking that we are at the head of the parade? And how does all of that affect our relationship to place and planet? These are questions I have been asking myself for a while, questions I might never have the answers to.