From ornamental to forest garden
One of the projects I work on is a private garden in Totnes. It is just under 1000 sq meters in size, has a couple huge yew trees and large laurel hedges surrounding it, which give it quite a lot of shade. It's been mostly kept as an ornamental garden, but includes some fruit trees and some nice edibles with ornamental value such as solomon's seal on the second picture. The brief for me is to turn the garden from an ornamental into a food forest, which is right up my street.
First round of Lambeth Grassroutes cycle tour
For some time now, Social Landscapes has been developing the idea of a bike tour to raise awareness of these projects, tell the stories of the people behind them and get people thinking differently about city living.
Permaculture Principle: Small and slow...
Small and slow solutions is one of my favourite Permaculture principles. Not only does it relate to the type of interventions that a designer makes on a piece of land, it describes a helpful attitude to life.
Reaching Out To The Hard To Reach
Social Landscapes was contracted by Streatham Common Cooperative (SCCoop) to deliver an outreach project. The aim of the project was to support the newly formed cooperative that is managing the Rookery, part of Streatham Common, to attract some of the hard to reach communities that live in the area around the park.