Our unique approach draws on permaculture design, appreciative inquiry and collaborative design methods to create projects that benefit the individual, the community and the planet.

What is Permaculture Design?
We use a design thinking approach inspired by permaculture in all of our work.
“Permaculture is a whole systems design approach that finds its ideal in natural ecosystems.”
The permaculture designer asks the question, 'what makes natural systems, such as forests, not only survive, but thrive?' It then continues by asking, 'what can we learn from these thriving models when designing our human settlements, food systems, livelihoods and cultures?'
Permaculture does not claim that there is a definite, one-size-fit-all answer to these questions. Instead, the designer is able to identify a set of ecological and design principles by asking the first question and use them as guides when figuring out the second. This conscious and creative design process enables us to create intelligent, energy and resource efficient, abundant and resilient human ecosystems.
The 12 Holmgren principles are one available set of design principles used in permaculture design.
The principles as well as the design methodology and tools are rooted in an ethical framework that is common sense to many of us: earthcare, peoplecare and fairshare, which includes the redistribution of surplus as well as limiting our consumption to honour and respect others and the planet.
These ethics help the designer make decisions and generate ideas to create more impactful projects.
“Permaculture is common sense made common again”
In an economy that has profit as its main objective, the ethics are powerful game-changers shifting our focus right at the level of purpose and thereby changing the operating paradigm.

What is Appreciative Inquiry?
While we do not ignore the challenges, we like to start by honouring and appreciating the strengths that are present in a system, organisation, or in the world to bring out the best in people.
“In its broadest focus, [Appreciative Inquiry] involves a systematic discovery of what gives “life” to a system when it is most alive, most effective and most constructively capable in economic, ecological and human terms. AI involves, in a central way, the art and practice of asking questions that strengthen a system’s capacity to apprehend, anticipate, and heighten positive potential.”