Embodied Ecology, Permaculture, Presence Michel Thill Embodied Ecology, Permaculture, Presence Michel Thill

From separation to belonging: bringing embodiment into ecology

While permaculture offers concepts and tools that are invaluable to the designer, it is important to remember that at its heart, it is an indigenous science rooted in direct experience and interconnection with the environment. This foundational aspect often gets lost. The following is a reflection on my inquiry into the dialogue between the human and the more-than-human—and how a body-oriented approach to teaching ecology and permaculture can bridge the gap between the story of separation and the story of connection and belonging.

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Permaculture Michel Thill Permaculture Michel Thill

Faces from the 2022 London Permaculture Design Course

Another Permaculture Design Course comes to an end. This was my first in-person course in a few years. I’ve really loved working with this group of talented and inspiring participants. I feel humbled by the course and encouraged for what’s next.

As, on these courses, we’re all learning from each other, we like participants to award the certificates to each other. Here are photos of some of the proud new certificate holders.

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Pathways, Permaculture, Livelihood Michel Thill Pathways, Permaculture, Livelihood Michel Thill

Permaculture Pathways: Citizens' Science, Community Development and Farm Stays

People come to take Permaculture Courses for a number of reasons: some want to adopt a new way of thinking and bring more creativity into the work they are already doing, others don’t find meaning in their current occupation and are looking for alternatives; some are looking to buy land hoping to run a homestead, while still others have a small garden at home and would like to get more in touch with the soil and produce a few things for themselves.

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