Faces from the 2022 London Permaculture Design Course
Another Permaculture Design Course comes to an end. This was my first in-person course in a few years. I’ve really loved working with this group of talented and inspiring participants. I feel humbled by the course and encouraged for what’s next.
As, on these courses, we’re all learning from each other, we like participants to award the certificates to each other. Here are photos of some of the proud new certificate holders.
Permaculture Design Course Volunteering Opportunity
I am looking for one or two volunteers to support me on the upcoming London Permaculture Design Course and the Online Permaculture Design Course, both starting in November 2022.
Permaculture Pathways: Opening New Doors
Hi I’m Liz and I am very fortunate to live in the Stroud Valleys with my partner. I am originally from the West Midlands and am proud to consider myself as a Black Country “wench”, having grown up in a former mining village next to a steel making town, all now long gone. That background, where folks don’t have much, has inspired a resilience in me to make the most of what we have, help who we can and grow as much food as possible.
Permaculture Pathways: From Stand Up Comedy to Permaculture and Beyond
I’m in my early 30s and have spent much of the last decade ‘being a comedian’ which has mostly meant doing stand up, until the last few years during which I’ve been lucky enough to spend most of my time writing and acting in sitcoms for the BBC. I feel lucky and I enjoy it, but nevertheless I increasingly felt like something was missing from my life and more specifically I felt disconnected from nature and like I didn’t spend enough time outdoors, which I suppose is what ‘led me to permaculture’.
May 2020 Newsletter - Let us keep growing and learning through challenging times
Here is the link to our latest Newsletter with links to our Online Courses.
Learning from the Woods… A Permaculture weekend at Hazel Hill Wood in Photos
On our yearly London-based Permaculture Design Course we’ve made it a tradition to spend one weekend away from the city. We had photographer Amy Behrens Clark join us to document some of our journey and asked a few of the participants about their experience learning about Permaculture.
Spring Newsletter 2018
Permaculture your life with us this year... Courses in London, Portugal, Spain and Italy.
Permaculture tells a different story...
In a time that often seems dominated by conflict, economic deprivation and environmental destruction, Permaculture points into a different direction and offers opportunity.