PDC Module 4 - Soil Ecology & Food Production



Welcome to Module 4 of the full Permaculture Design Course. This modules focuses on the ecology of the soil, how we can maintain and improve soil fertility to sustainably grow healthy food for humans. What you’ll find on this page is:

  • Your course content

  • Documents to use during live sessions

  • Useful handouts

  • Additional learning resources

  • Your assignments and course work

  • The quiz to test your learning and a feedback form

Enjoy your learning journey.

Course content


Pre-recorded sessions

Please watch these before the live sessions. For the first of these it can be useful to get a good handful of soil from your garden or a local park or woodland and have it with you in a bowl or on a bit of newspaper.

Soil science and fertility factors

Composting methods and liquid fertilisers

A tour of Marrakesh Organics by Omar Hajji


Here you’ll find the recordings of live sessions latest 48 hours after completion:

Documents to use during live sessions

Useful handouts

Design process worksheets from Aranya - these sheets can be very useful to help guide you through your design process:

Additional learning resources

Videos & Films

I talk you through my system at Homeacres, it's straightforward and not a lot of work. The compost is ready in a year, while in summer it matures within six ...
The United States is in crisis. The health of our soil resource has declined to such a point that it is not only negatively affecting farm and ranch profitab...
Living Soil: A DocumentaryOur soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consum...
Lazy composting. It is my favourite way to make fantastic homemade compost and is perfect for anyone looking for a simple way to make compost in your own veg...
My "maximum compost" method for starting out. Add a lot to make new beds, then very little in subsequent years. The cardboard is only for this stage of smoth...
The must-see trailer for Kiss the Ground. Watch it and discover a simple solution for climate change. The full-length film is now streaming on Netflix! Take ...

Market Gardening Meets Permaculture | La Ferme Des Quatre-Temps (FQT Farm)


Your assignments and coursework

Assignment 1: Soil testing (approx. 2h)

Take a good read of these handouts: Soil advice, Soil tests, soil record sheet.

Do the following soil tests at two different sites using the above soil tests handout - the ones in brackets only if you feel strong enough and have the right material available:

  • (1. Drainage - you can also do this test instead)

  • 2. Earthworms

  • (3. Top soil depth)

  • 4. Soil texture!

  • (5. Soil structure)

  • (6. Soil pH - you can oder the strips here)

  • (7. Soil compaction)

If recording the results on the record sheet proofs difficult, you can also just sent them to me in an email or on a separate word document.

Your design project: Chose and analyse your systems and elements…

Have you got your idea for what you would like to design on this course? Have you done your survey?

If yes, it is time collect ideas for what systems and elements your design could include that will meet your functions. This is a brainstorm and while you might have some clear ideas on which ones you might want to choose, go beyond those, look at the unlikely options as well.

Once you have a good list together, it is time to analyse these. Ask yourself: which ones meet the ethical standards of permaculture? Any that fit into that sweet spot of Earthcare, Peoplecare, Fairshare? Which of your elements meets multiple functions and how can you make sure that each function is supported by multiple elements? What are the inputs and outputs of these elements and how do they all fit together? Can you use other tools, such as a SWOC (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, constraints) or PMI (plus, minus, interesting) to analyse your elements? How do the principles fit in here?

This is where your design might get a bit more complex. Remember you are in the groan zone. Is it good to sleep on what you are doing, come back to it tomorrow? Hang on in there.

(use Aranya’s Design Process Worksheets as a help if necessary - you can find them above)

Ideas for practicals

As part of the course you will require to do and document 2 practical projects (approx 3 hours of work each). Here are some ideas… if you don’t like them, there will be ideas with each module. Or come up with your own.

  • Start composting - set up a composting system, whether that is a method we’ve learned about on the course, or another, such as bokashi. Turn those vegetables and weeds into soil.

  • Create a garden bed ready for spring growing - use what you have learned to create your own veg garden.

Quiz & completion

Taking the quiz and showing that you have understood the material covered in this module is essential for you to receive the Permaculture Design Course Certificate at the end of the course.


Receiving your feedback on what we do is essential for us to keep improving our courses - for you and those that learn with us after you. It will take 5 minutes - thank you!