2018 Creating Resilient Communities Permaculture Design Course at Loughborough Farm
16 designers graduated with a Permaculture Design Certificate on the 2018 Permaculture Design Course at Loughborough Farm. We also visited venues such as Hazel Hill Woods, the Remakery, the Meadow Orchard Project and were grateful to have had guest teachers such as Linda Royles and Sam McCabe. The course was led by Michel Thill and assisted by Tish Vail and previous course participants Naomi Allen and Dre Ferdinand.
Find short interviews with course participants and a photo story of our inspiring weekend at the beautiful Hazel Hill Woods here.
Some of what participants say:
“It was the most important course I've ever taken part in and have recommended it to many people.”
‘My experience was one of learning and being introduced to new concepts in a more intuitive, organic way, more reflective of natural processes than I had previously experienced in learning environments. It reflected the principle of succession so well, how each idea built upon the next, until a complex and integrated understanding of permaculture concepts had been formed within me.”
“Very thorough, inspiring, full of surprises.”
“For me the PDC was life affirming through both the things I learnt and the people I connected with.”
“Awesome! I learned so much, met some great folks and got so much food for thought. I would recommend your PDC to everyone.” - Gosia
“It was very inspiring and good to discover that things being "fun" was important!”
“I found it truly inspiring and motivational to be studying with a group of people who were just as concerned about issues in the world and indeed, in the local community and were willing to do something about it by spending their time and energy attending the course.”
“It has changed my awareness in a very profound way.” - Rym
“Eye opening, reaffirming and inspiring. Would love to see Permaculture to be integrated in the (kids) education system in some form.”
“Life-affirming, friendship forming and nature connecting :)”
“It gave me time and space to reflect and reconnect - I ended with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for mother nature and a renewed optimism for ways we can live within her embrace without inflicting pain.”
“I have arrived.”
6 weekends between April 27th and October 13th 2024 at Global Generation’s Story Garden in Central London.
The Permaculture Design Course is a 72-hour often life-changing experience, accredited by the UK Permaculture Association. Over the period of 6 weekends we will explore practical and creative solutions for building resilient communities and designing abundant eco-systems.
The Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 72-hour internationally recognised training engaging head, heart and hands of participants to discover the principles and techniques of permaculture. We will explore the patterns of our predominant consumerist culture and compare them to the sustainable and regenerative patterns of the natural world. We will not only apply those patterns and principles to the example of ecosystems and the land but also communities and and our own embodied selves.
The Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 72-hour internationally recognised training engaging head, heart and hands of participants to discover the principles and techniques of permaculture. We will explore the patterns of our predominant consumerist culture and compare them to the sustainable and regenerative patterns of the natural world. We will not only apply those patterns and principles to the example of ecosystems and the land but also communities and and our own embodied selves.