Winter Veg Workshop at Bandstand Beds

The second of the three workshops at Bandstand Beds was on the topic of growing winter veg. Sarah Wilson, one of the participants, wrote a blog post together with David Dandridge.

You can find the blog post here

Here an excerpt:

It was a very fitting day to learn about winter veggies with the chilly weather reminding us it was on the way, and a hot cup of tea and slice of cake went down well. It was a lovely morning enjoyed by all. And I wasn’t the only one who thought so…

Anna, a community gardener on the Clapham Manor Estate, said: ‘Thank you very much indeed for accommodating us on the course today. It was inspiring and very useful – we learned so much and will put that knowledge to good use by planting four crops in the next week or so – garlic, onions, broad beans and spring cabbage. The course was really well organised with a very friendly bunch of people, and the course leader did a great job with a light touch.'

winter veg workshop

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