Treadgold House Retrofit
We were asked by BowTie Construction to engage the residents in a re-design of the greenspaces surrounding Treadgold House, which is undergoing an award-winning retrofit and will become the UK’s first zero carbon multi-unit. Treadgold House is part of the Lancaster West Estate in Kensington, West London and is managed by the Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team. The inclusion of the green spaces and the balconies into the overall retrofit using a permaculture approach was funded Innovate UK and is hopefully an effort that will become more and more standard practice in the world of construction, renovation and ratrofil.
See below our final presentation with design suggestions to the architects:
The Winter Permaculture Design Course explored topics of sustainable drainage, localised food production and community on Paulet Road Estate in Brixton, London.
We held our 2022 Permaculture Design Course at Roupell Park Estate community Centre on Brixton Hill, London. The course participants worked in groups to create designs for different areas of the estate. The following slides present a summary of the outcomes.
We were asked by BowTie Construction to engage the residents in a re-design of the greenspaces surrounding Treadgold House, which is undergoing a retrofit and will become the UK’s first zero carbon multi-unit.
On our return to Tribewanted Monestevole we had 10 people attend our Permaculture Design Course.
Here are some photos and testimonials from participants.
16 designers graduated with a Permaculture Design Certificate on the 2018 Permaculture Design Course at Loughborough Farm. We also visited venues such as Hazel Hill Woods, the Remakery, the Meadow Orchard Project and were grateful to have had guest teachers such as Linda Royles and Sam. The course was led by Michel Thill and assisted by Tish Vail and previous course participants Naomi Allen and Dre Ferdinand.
Social Landscapes worked with The Community Education Foundation, the Roupell Park Resident Management Cooperative and the Roupell Park residents themselves to come up with a design proposal for an disused green space on the estate.
Organising a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is generally a great opportunity for a project or a community to integrate more of the Permaculture principles into their workings. This was the purpose of our full Permaculture Design Course at Tribewanted Monestevole.
16 designers graduated with a Permaculture Design Certificate on the 2017 Permaculture Design Course at Treadwell. We visited venues such as Sutton Community Farm, Hazel Hill Woods, the Remakery, the Meadow Orchard Project and were blessed with guest teachers such as Duncan Law, Linda Royles and Kathie Bishop.
On Wednesday 19th of October we planted a kitchen garden on Fenwick Estate in Clapham. The event started at 4 pm and by 6.30 a group of around 20 had planted 90 herb plants, including lavender, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, yarrow and more.
The event and the plants were funded by This Is Clapham Business Improvement District.
Michel supported residents on Egham Road to make a more beautiful, safer and useful space. The job was a big challenge, building a 25 m long planter, shifting 12 tonnes of soil and planting 60 plants along the pavement to create a border between the grass and play area and road. With a large group of corporate volunteers and residents, the job got done in a day and brought out the neighbourhood.