Remakery Permaculture Design Course

Resource Page

 Find below handouts, links and other resources related to the Remakery Permaculture Design Course. Additional resources will follow after each weekend of the course.

Weekend 2 - Ecology and the Land

To do: The prerecorded presentations

The 3 recordings are to watch after weekend 2 and ideally before our online meeting.

Intro to water and the water cycle

Overview of agroecological techniques

Composting methods and liquid fertilisers


To do: ‘Kiss the Ground’

I recommend you watch the documentary ‘Kiss the Ground’ on the subject of soil. You can watch it on Netflix or rent it on Vimeo:

Released in September of 2020 on Netflix, Kiss the Ground the movie narrated by Woody Harrelson is a full-length documentary shedding light on a “new, old approach” to farming called regenerative agriculture, a practice with the extraordinary ability to balance our climate and feed the world.

Which came first - the rain or the rainforest?

Wangari Maathai and the green Belt Movement


Urban heat islands

Martin Crawford’s forest garden

Agroforestry in the UK

Webpages to research and buy unusual perennials:


For further resources, select the relevant weekend: