Creating Resilient Communities

London Permaculture Design Course

Resource Page


Find below handouts, links and other resources related to the London Permaculture Design Course. Additional resources will follow after each weekend of the course.

Weekend 6 - Presentations & Celebrations

To do:

  • Send me a short bio to include in the final report. Here is an example:

Michel has a background in permaculture design and a passion for teaching the subject and growing his own food. He currently works for Social Landscapes as a designer and educator.

Feel free to be more creative but please do keep it to 2 or 3 sentences.

  • Coordinate with your group to send a summary of your presentation. I suggest a few of the slides with design ideas accompanied by some text - a total of approximately 3 pages.

  • Take 5 minutes to fill out this form which helps us to evaluate our course.

Links to the design presentations from the course:

Some links: - UK Permaculture Association offers great resources and course listings. I also recommend you become a member of the UK Permaculture Association, to support their work and stay in the loop with what is happening permaculture wise UK wide. - find permaculture projects throughout the UK and world. - community food growers network, where you'll find a map of London community gardens. If you are interested in growing food, I highly recommend volunteering at a community garden for the duration of the course. It will support your learning immensely. - the London Permaculture Network. It is worth signing up to their newsletter. You will be made aware monthly of upcoming permaculture related events in London. - where you can find opportunities to work on organic farms in the UK. To places i can recommend are the Inkpot and Landmatters. - find ecovillages around the world.

A hopi elder speaks - the reading at the end of the course

For further resources, select the relevant weekend: