Tish Vail - Creative Director

Tish came across the word Permaculture shortly after finishing her degree in Interior Architecture & Design, however it wasn't until 10 years later that she started to investigate permaculture design in more depth. In the interim years she had spent her time, travelling, working for a variety of London based design studios and studying yoga.

Having spent many years living in a yoga community, she realised that this way of life had many parallels to that of Permaculture with an intended ethical focus. This naturally created a holistic way of living which took into consideration the welfare of individuals, the community as a whole and its environment.

Permaculture has given Tish the opportunity to combine what she's learnt through her yoga studies with the knowledge and practical experience gained by working in the commercial design world.

Tish has a keen interest in the urban and social application of Permaculture. She helps run Social Landscapes and has been involved in running community cohesion events and leading local gardening sessions. Tish has spent time in Nepal learning natural building and has helped build earth bag houses after the earth quake in 2015. She has also assisted on Woven Earth's Permaculture intensive course in Bali on Tirti Gangga's organic farm. At the beginning of this year she successfully completed a Permaculture Teacher Training at Applewood Farm under the tutorship of Chris Evans and Looby Macnamara.

Tish believes Permaculture is a simple methodology that is accessible to everyone. Nature has all the answers we just need to apply creative thinking - permaculture gives us a structure to do that.


Naomi Allen


Michel Thill - Founding Director