Naomi Allen

Naomi Allen works for a small human rights charity where she is a lead trainer/facilitator. She is interested in sustainable activism and resilience in social change work. She believes resilience is all about connection: deeper connection with our self, deeper connections with each other, and deeper connection with nature. As such, Naomi has been supporting groups to find in nature a source of renewal and empowerment as they face the immense political, social and ecological challenges of our time.

This interest in nature connection also led her to pursue the Permaculture Design Course - she was keen to spend more time outdoors, learn something new and get muddy. She hasn't looked back since and is particularly interested in social permaculture - applying the design and systems thinking taught by permaculture to our groups and communities.

Naomi has worked training groups of human rights defenders all over the world and is excited to bring this experience back to her own community where she is looking forward to supporting and learning from participants on the course.


Andrea Ferdinand


Tish Vail - Creative Director